I have had the fantastic opportunity to be a leader in many different areas of business. At most, I have led up to more than 2000 people and had financial responsibility above 1 BUSD. I have worked with direct reports in Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia with employees in about twenty different countries and I have lived in three different continents during my career. It has been a learning experience to be a business leader in a global context with so many languages, cultures, and customs involved and still building teams and delivering common goals. I have enjoyed every bit of it, and I still do! As of late, I have published a few books on leadership and communication as well. (Carl Lindberg Amazon Author Profile.)
Before you continue reading about my background and career, which continues just further below the overview picture, so keep scrolling, please sign up for our newsletter to receive tips, articles, reflections, and many other interesting things involving leadership, business, and communication. It is completely free of course and we will only send you an e-mail if we have something important to share. Please subscribe right here: Leadershipahoy Newsletter.
With a bit more detail..
Ever since I was a child I have been interested in leading and leadership. Early in life, I also realized I had some natural talent for it and I very often became the spokesperson for my group of friends in a spontaneous and informal fashion.
I started working extra on off hours and holidays already when I was thirteen years old. I tried several different nonskilled labor type jobs until I finished my Master of Science in Engineering. At that point I ended up working with project management and IT.
The first time I was in a supervisory capacity at work was at 16 years of age. By 25-27, I was managing my own department and global projects in a multinational corporation. I joined my first management team before I was 30 and got my first Vice President job with a Profit and Loss responsibility of 25-75 MUSD around the same time. I have managed sizeable projects involving over 20 countries.
Through a career in different positions in multinational corporations, I have met with customers and suppliers from at least 20 countries from six different continents. I have had direct reports in Asia, Americas and Europe, most often simultaneously. I have had employees from USA, Australia, Philippines, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, UAE, Italy, Spain, France, Holland, Austria, Finland, UK, Argentina, Poland, Panama and Peru to mention a few countries. I have tried and seen many leadership styles applied over the years.
Over the years, I have always enjoyed managing business and lead people. Being a leader is the best thing in the world if you ask me. I have worked with many different topics and functions, sometimes in permanent and sometimes in added interim positions and in several different continents: Sales, R&D, IT, Project Manager, Operations, Finance in levels ranging from manager to C-level. I have been in admin mode, maintain mode, growth mode and turn around mode at least one time in my career.
I focus on communication and empowerment when I lead. I have experienced working together with a highly motivated, truly cooperative and very ambitious management team. That setting is unbeatable if you ask me and results in fantastic business development, great growth and profit as well as a tremendous amount of trust and fun. That was one of the best atmospheres I have ever worked in! I teach you, step-by-step, how to become a better leader driving your own career by increasing empowerment, accountability, and results in any team in my democratic leadership course. It contains plenty of methods, tips, and tricks, that I use every day in my job as a leader. That course gives you examples, teaches you have to avoid the disadvantages and maximize the advantages of democratic leadership as well as tips on how to run meetings, create a join vision, and many other things. You can learn from this and increase your impact in your team, even if you are not the manager of that team yourself.
There are separate pages where I tell you about the best books for leaders and the best productivity tools for leaders I have accumulated over my years as a leader. In fact I just published a book myself, you can find it here: Leadership Styles Classics: Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire (Amazon)
If you haven’t already, then please sign up for our newsletter for tips, reflections, articles and updates on leadership, business and communication: Leadershipahoy Newsletter.
You can also visit the Leadershipahoy Youtube channel, our pinterest page, or my profile on Quora.