Democratic leadership is a mighty tool in providing participation as well as inclusion in most areas, but perhaps particularly in decision-making. I have used this tool successfully in leadership positions for decades, and this article explains why it is important and how to do it. But first, a quick intro to this leadership style from

Democratic Leadership, also known as participative leadership, is an incredible leadership style. However, leaders struggle with actually building the diversity and multiplicity of perspectives to provide the right environment for joint decision-making and many other cornerstones of Democratic Leadership. This article contains guidance on how to achieve this, based on key principles I have used

Although democratic leadership strives for consensus, it should never be a requirement since a consensus culture can lead to some disadvantages of the democratic leadership style. This article outlines a few approaches to building consensus with democratic leadership, all tried and tested by me personally during my CEO career. Let me start with a short

Democratic leadership is one of the most empowering leadership styles available. I have seen how truly empowered teams can sometimes become more effective in the absence of the leader during my CEO career, believe it or not! If you want team productivity to stay solid without the presence of the leader, then democratic leadership is

Democratic leadership seems easy and straightforward on the surface, but implementing this leadership style well is more difficult than that. This article contains seven steps to implement democratic leadership in your team that I have used many times during my management career. For starters, here is a short summary of the style from the main

I have seen quite a few leaders demonstrating the democratic leadership style in my career. Some of them have truly bought into it and worked for the strong empowerment of the team members and actively seeking and processing input and ideas from others. Communication has always been a great part of it, so make sure

There are some disadvantages to democratic leadership that you need to be aware of. Once you understand these disadvantages, you can counter them and limit any drawbacks of the style. Most of the democratic leadership disadvantages are centered on time and lengthy decision-making, and I have managed to limit these drawbacks as well in my

There are many strong advantages to democratic leadership, which is one of the reasons why I have used the style in my job as a CEO of an international company. Most of the advantages of democratic leadership circle around collaboration and creativity, as you shall see. Democratic leadership is when an empowered team fully participates

Here are some examples of famous people who used democratic leadership as part of their leadership repertoire. These examples of democratic leaders include business people and a former U.S. President with a military background. A good mix of democratic leader examples. First, a recap of this style from our democratic leadership article: Democratic leadership is

Here are some democratic leadership quotes that really speak to me as a democratic leader and a CEO. Perhaps you can use a few of these democratic quotes to show your team members exactly what democratic leadership is all about? For information on this leadership style, its definition, how to implement it, etc., please read